We are a Christian Church in Glasgow - more specifically Govan - which is a unique community proud of its special history and heritage. Our Congregation is the local Church of Scotland and includes people of all ages and backgrounds, exploring the Christian faith and seeking to proclaim and live-out the Gospel together - all as we seek to care for each other and those we meet. Importantly, you are welcome at any time, and we invite you to feel as if you belong in all that we do together.
Its our Year of Celebration and throughout 2023 we're marking the life and work of the Church in Govan during the past 150 years! This was some of us at a Civic Reception kindly hosted recently by Glasgow City Council.

Our Church Sanctuary is used often and we're pleased to partner with many local groups and organisations in Govan, who use this space, along with our Hall and meeting rooms. This was us set-up for our recent community film festival known as Screen 51.

Even when there's nothing happening at GLPC we still have something to say. And that's because we have a message of hope. And so, whoever you are, and wherever you've come from - and whatever your experience of life - know that the Christian faith has something to say and to offer - making sense of who we are and giving purpose and meaning to life. Here are some resources that might help you:

Note: Our website is currently being reconstructed. Why not follow our progress?
Glasgow: Govan & Linthouse Parish Church is a constituent part of The Church of Scotland and is a registered Scottish Charity Number SC004153